Sunday, February 21, 2016

Techsploration, Inc: Electricity Show

Our fourth grade students participated in electricity labs with Mr. Wahle.  During the labs, they explored basic electrical components such as resistors, switches, photo sensors, lights, motors, and electromagnets.  Thank you to TESPTO for bringing this program to Proctor School.  

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Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Are You A Carrot, An Egg or A Coffee Bean

We continue to focus on our school-wide theme of GRIT (Guts, Resilience, Innovation and Teamwork).  The video below was shared with me and we will be sharing it with students over the next few weeks.  The video focuses on resilience and can create a common vocabulary for us to use with students.  After watching the video, ask yourself are you a carrot, an egg or a coffee bean.

Are You A Carrot, An Egg or A Coffee Bean?

PARCC and MCAS Schedule 2016

This Spring, our students will be taking the PARCC assessment in ELA and Math.  In addition, fifth grade students will also take the Science MCAS.  Below is the proposed schedule.  

PARCC and MCAS Schedule 2016
DateTest and Grade Level
Tuesday, April 26Grade 5 ELA Session 1
Wednesday, April 27Grade 5 ELA Session 2
Thursday, April 28Grade 5 ELA Session 3
Monday, May 2Grade 4 ELA Session 1
Tuesday, May 3Grade 4 ELA Session 2
Wednesday, May 4Grade 4 ELA Session 3
Tuesday, May 10Grade 6 ELA Session 1
Wednesday, May 11Grade 6 ELA Session 2
Wednesday, May 11Grade 5 Science Session 1
Thursday, May 12Grade 6 ELA Session 3
Thursday, May 12Grade 5 Science Session 2
Friday, May 13Grade 4 Math Session 1
Monday, May 16Grade 4 Math Session 2
Tuesday, May 17Grade 6 Math Session 1
Wednesday, May 18Grade 6 Math Session 2
Thursday, May 19Grade 6 Math Session 3
Friday, May 20Grade 5 Math Session 1
Monday, May 23Grade 5 Math Session 2
Tuesday, May 24Grade 4 Math Session 3
Wednesday, May 25Grade 4 Math Session 4
Wednesday, May 25Grade 5 Math Session 3
Thursday, May 26Grade 5 Math Session 4

Little Brook Village Toiletries Collection

It has been a Proctor tradition for many years to collect toiletries for the residents of Little Brook Village.  From Tuesday, February 25 through Wednesday, February 12, we will be collecting toiletries, candy, gift cards, note paper, yarn, puzzles and other fun items for each of the seniors who reside at Little Brook Village.  Please no razors, glass, mouthwash or sharp objects.  Toiletry items should be unused and unopened.  The seniors greatly appreciate our thoughtful Valentine gifts and enjoy visiting with our students.  Thank you for supporting this important annual event.

What's In Your Life Pack?

Thank You Topsfield Playground Committee for our New Snowshoes

Let it SNOW!  So we can use our new Snowshoes!

After a very successful Walk-a-thon this fall, the Playground Committee purchased snowshoes to be used during PE classes at Proctor School!
As we all know, during the winter months it can be difficult to get outside to 
exercise.  Snowshoeing will provide students an outstanding cardiovascular 
workout, introduction to a wonderful lifelong activity, as well as some fresh air.
We are very excited to embark on our winter PE adventure.  While we are eagerly 
awaiting enough snow to use the snowshoes, the snow in the forecast this weekend may allow us to start next week.  In the meantime though, we wanted to send a message in advance to let families know what would be required for students to participate.  It would be appreciated on days your student has PE that they are prepared to go outside in the snow. 
Clothing requested:
* Snow boots
* Snow pants
* Gloves or Mittens
* Hat
* Warm Jacket
* It is recommended that they also bring a pair of sneakers that day just in case 
there is an issue with the wind chill and we remain inside for class.
We have 27 pairs of snowshoes so that would allow one class to go out at a time.  We will be setting up a schedule with the teachers so that their students are prepared for class.  We are hoping all classes, grades 4-6, will have the opportunity to use the snowshoes multiple times.   
Thank you so much in advance for your cooperation.
Sarah O'Leary, Jeanne Meehan and The Playground Committee

Change Is Simple

Change Is Simple

This year, we have the pleasure of working with Change is Simple.  Change is Simple's mission is to educate individuals on the connections between environmental and human health.  They seek to inspire and empower an entire generation of environmentally literate citizens.  This week, Change is Simple visited students in fourth, fifth and sixth grade at Proctor School working to educate our community.   

This year, our fourth grade will focus on environmental science: what makes up our environment and how all animals, humans and plants are interdependent.  This week, grade 4 students explored endangered species using a giant world map.  The students traveled all over the globe to learn about the habitats of endangered species, human impacts and ways to help.

The year long focus for fifth grade is sustainability and how humans and communities interact and impact the environment.  This week, grade 5 students explored energy, where it comes from and how to measure and conserve it by conducting classroom energy audits.

The sixth grade will engage in workshops that highlight the connections between environment and health.  This week, the grade 6 students explored the impacts of food traveling the globe through measurement and conversion and the carbon emissions, nutrient and community impacts of eating local. 


Thank you to GREEN Topsfield for bringing Change is Simple to our schools and to Cell Signaling for supporting us by funding a grant allowing Change is Simple to work in our schools with our students.   

Thank You for Supporting the Community Giving Tree

Delivery of Gifts to the Community Giving Tree   
On Tuesday, December 15, fifth graders brought three carloads of toys and clothing to the Community Giving Tree.  The Proctor Community helped to support the seasonal drive by donating new toys and clothing.  With our help and the help of other community organizations, the Community Giving Tree was able to help 8,000 children by providing clothing, baby equipment, diapers, toiletries, and holiday gifts to needy families. 

Inquiry Circles Student Learning Presentation At School Committee

Proctor sixth grade students and their teachers share their experiences participating in inquiry circles with the Topsfield School Committee. The students engaged in the inquiry process, investigating a topic of their choice and sharing their learning with their classmates.  

Visit from Proctor Alum, Abbey D'Agostino

Abbey D'Agostino Has GRIT
On Thursday, December 17, Abbey D'Agostino, a Topsfield native and Proctor School alum, spoke to the students at the All School Assembly about GRIT.  Abbey is currently a professional runner for New Balance and an Olympic hopeful in the 5000 meters event.  She connected her journey as a runner to our theme of GRIT. During our time with her, Abbey spoke about how she handles the pressure of the training and races and the recovery from an injury with her focus on RESILIENCE and GUTS.  She shared the power of INNOVATION when trying something new in her training routine and why TEAMWORK is essential to her success. Thank you to Abbey!  And Thank you, Mrs. Feltault for organizing Abbey's visit!  She was truly inspiring!

Canned Food Drive To Support Topsfield Food Pantry

Students in the Fifth Grade at Proctor School delivered the collected canned good to the Topsfield Food Pantry.  The food collected will help families during the holiday season.  Thank you to all the Proctor students and families that donated food to the Canned Food Drive!

Victoria Arlen Inspires Proctor Students

Victoria Arlen, Paraolympic Swimmer, came to Proctor to share her story of GRIT.
Read more about Victoria at