Wednesday, September 30, 2015

GRIT: Guts, RESILIENCY, Innovation, Teamwork

GRIT: Guts, RESILIENCY, Innovation, Teamwork
Rachel Simmons, a nationally recognized author, speaker & facilitator, will offer practical advice & helpful strategies to help your child become braver & interpret setbacks with more optimism.  This talk supports our theme of GRIT.  Join the TriTown Council and Rachel Simmons, for "Failing Well: Raising Resilient Kids" on Thursday, October 1 at 7:00 in the Masconomet Auditorium.  

"Failing Well: Raising Resilient Kids"
Success isn't just about winning: it's about who we are when we fall short. Today, kids and teens have never had more opportunity-or have ever seemed more fragile. When kids lack the skills to face down a challenge, recover from failure or adapt to change, they fall short of reaching their potential.  In this talk, you'll learn strategies you can use immediately to help your child become braver and interpret setbacks with more optimism. You'll also learn how to explore your own relationship to failure, so that you can model resilience for your child. Register at (events tab).